Mission Statement

The Honors College is an undergraduate-serving academic unit that invites the most intellectually gifted students on a campus to form a living and learning community that holds interdisciplinarity as its cornerstone. It is a space for exceptional intelligence, deep thought, high idealism, insightful conversations, unbridled creativity and extraordinary mentorship.

The mission of the Thomas F. Freeman Honors College is to:

  1. Provide challenging courses and academic enhancement experiences for the scholars to achieve, and 
  2. Promote critical thinking skills, intellectual engagement and strong research opportunities as it prepares scholars to excel in graduate or professional schools and a career path.

The Honors College is dedicated to the following core values: scholarship, character, service, and leadership.

The main goal of the college is to nurture students—keeping them fully engaged intellectually, academically, and socially—through a timely graduation with high honors.

Finally, the Honors College seeks to help its graduates with their next educational and/or career endeavors.